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Symphonic News: Volume 3

Symphonic News: Volume 3

Happy November! Our team has been traveling and celebrating these past few weeks - Jay celebrated his sons' 16th birthdays and Tanya traveled to Toronto, Canada with her best friends from college. Shana got to see the best of the fall colors on her trip to the mountains with her sisters, Laura whooped it up in Vegas, while Olivia spent time with her sisters when they were home from college for fall break!

Thanksgiving is around the corner, and the SymphonicHCM team is reflecting on the many things they are thankful for!

Q4 has not slowed down, we are already off to a busy November! Congratulations to Valerie Mastropolo and Amanda Graeber on starting new positions late October!

Find your next great opportunity!

  • Data Engineer in Milwaukee, WI

  • Business Analyst in Denver, CO

  • Territory Manager in Las Vegas, NV

  • Senior UX Designer in Denver, CO

  • Senior Accountant in Denver, CO

  • Lead Software Engineer in Denver, CO

  • Senior Computer Operator in Denver, CO

  • Client Care Specialist in Austin, TX

  • QSF Project Manager in Houston, TX

  • QSF Analyst in Houston, TX

Know someone who would be amazing for any of these roles?

Or an awesome company that's building their team?

Connect us with a great candidate or client and you will be Symphonic Rewarded!

Give us a name that turns into a submission or a client meeting: $5 Starbucks gift card

If your referral gets a client interview, or your referral leads to a search with a new client: $25 Visa/Mastercard gift card

If your referral gets placed, or we make a placement with your referral: $250 Visa/Mastercard gift card and a special thank you surprise!

Last week, we asked our community on LinkedIn, "Does your organization have an employee engagement strategy in place?" Surprisingly, 50% said "No" or "Not sure." SymphonicHCM collaborates with you to understand your culture and curate a specialized engagement program for your team so they are more connected to your mission, goals, and company as a whole!

Follow us on social media to participate in polls and stay up to date on all things SymphonicHCM!

That's a wrap on Symphonic News - Volume 3! We hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! Let us know what you would like to see in future volumes, and we'll see you next month! The SymphonicHCM Team Shana, Laura, Tanya, Olivia and Jay


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