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Symphonic News: Volume 16

Turkey leftovers are gone, and holiday lights are shining... it’s that magical time of year again! Laura & Shana just spent a fabulous long weekend in New York City! Olivia & Tanya kicked off the holiday season with festive dance performances. The dance studio Olivia teaches at had their annual Nutcracker this weekend, and Tanya's daughter performed in her winter recital. And Jay has been busy performing exterior illumination installation!


As the holidays approach, and the SymphonicHCM team is embracing the festive chaos, one awkward photoshoot at a time! Happy Holidays!

Cheers to a fantastic 2024! Congratulations to Sammi Cheesman & Lauren Ferguson on starting their new positions in November. We're so excited for you!

Find your next great opportunity!

  • Client Care Specialist in Austin, TX

  • Senior Content Design Manager in Denver, CO

  • Market President in Denver, CO

  • Senior Systems Administrator in Eagan, MN

  • Systems Administrator in Plano, TX

Do you want to give the gift of a life-changing career opportunity this holiday season?

Connect us with a great candidate or client and you will be Symphonic Rewarded!

Give us a name that turns into a submission or a client meeting: $5 Starbucks gift card 


If your referral gets a client interview, or your referral leads to a search with a new client: $25 Visa/Mastercard gift card


If your referral gets placed, or we make a placement with your referral: $250 Visa/Mastercard gift card and a special thank you surprise!

Last week we asked our community on LinkedIn “Are you setting your 2025 goals?” The most popular response was “Yes, starting to think about it.”


They’ve said yes... now what?


This quarter we focused on setting up yourself and your team to achieve greatness in 2025! Click on the image to read more!

Follow us on social media to participate in polls and stay up to date on all things SymphonicHCM!

That's a wrap on Symphonic News - Volume 16! We're wishing everyone a happy holiday, let us know what you would like to see in future volumes, and we'll see you next month!

The SymphonicHCM Team

Shana, Laura, Tanya, Olivia, and Jay


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