Autumn is in the air, and the SymphonicHCM team has been busy out and about! Laura and Shana attended CNDCC's Impact Breakfast at the Denver Zoo. It was a powerful morning of learning and exchanging ideas on how to create better interviewing, hiring, and career pathing practices for our neurodivergent community. Shana also participated in Red Rock's Colorado 9/11 Stair Climb - completing 9 laps around the amphitheater, equivalent to the 110 floors the firefighters climbed that day. Laura and Tanya have been enjoying some outside concerts, Jay traveled up to the mountains, and Olivia celebrated her birthday yesterday!
Earlier this month was Global TA Day with ATAP (Association of Talent Acquisition Professionals). We were excited to attend for the 3rd year in a row, learning the tips and tricks from the best in the game! Some of our favorite takeaways were...
"AI doesn't fix a broken process! If your foundational recruiting process is weak, technology will only weigh down your ability to hire instead of helping you innovate." - Tanya Jones
"Make your work space a distraction-free zone. It actually takes more energy to focus on a single item than multitask, so keep your space tidy, mute your notifications, and block time on your calendar to tackle your to-do list!" - Olivia Walters

We're wrapping up Q3 on a high note! Congratulations to Craig Andrews on starting his new role in August. We're so excited for you!
Find your next great opportunity!
Portfolio Analyst in Seattle, WA
Vendor Oversight Specialist in Denver, CO
VP of Financial Reporting in Denver, CO
Fund Tax Specialist in Denver, CO
Senior Accountant in Denver, CO
Know someone who would be amazing for any of these roles?
Or an awesome company that's building their team?
Connect us with a great candidate or client and you will be Symphonic Rewarded!

Give us a name that turns into a submission or a client meeting: $5 Starbucks gift card
If your referral gets a client interview, or your referral leads to a search with a new client: $25 Visa/Mastercard gift card
If your referral gets placed, or we make a placement with your referral: $250 Visa/Mastercard gift card and a special thank you surprise!
Last week, we asked our community on LinkedIn, "Knowing the market will change, how are you future-proofing your hiring process?" The most common answer was, "Tightening onboarding." While employers have the upper hand right now, it won't stay that way forever! Check out these tips your future self will thank you for. Click on the image to learn more!
Follow us on social media to participate in polls and stay up to date on all things SymphonicHCM!
That's a wrap on Symphonic News - Volume 13! Let us know what you would like to see in future volumes, and we'll see you next month!
The SymphonicHCM Team
Shana, Laura, Tanya, Olivia, and Jay